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[2023] Patente internazionale - LEGGERE LA PRIMA PAGINA, GRAZIE!

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Ultimo aggiornamento (verifica link/email): gennaio 2023



Prima di proseguire nella lettura, per sgombrare il campo da possibili equivoci e per evitare che per la centomilionesima volta venga chiesto se fare o no la patente internazionale, vi invitiamo a leggere


l'apposita FAQ.



D. Devo fare la patente internazionale?


R. Prima di tutto, bisogna tenere conto del fatto che la patente internazionale non è una "vera" patente, ma semplicemente una traduzione certificata multilingua della propria: quindi non sostituisce quella italiana, che deve essere sempre e comunque in corso di validità, ossia non scaduta.




La sua finalità principale è consentire alle autorità locali di comprendere correttamente il linguaggio della patente nazionale: tanto per chiarirci, se vi dessero un documento scritto, per esempio, in caratteri cinesi o coreani, come potreste sapere che è davvero una patente e non una tessera della biblioteca? Le attuali patenti italiane formato tessera riportano la dicitura "Patente di guida" nelle principali lingue dell'Unione, oltre che in inglese, semplificando quindi non di poco questa interpretazione.


Detto questo, il sito istituzionale del Ministero degli Esteri Viaggiare Sicuri riporta:


E’ comunque  consigliabile che la patente italiana sia sempre accompagnata dalla patente internazionale di guida  conforme alla  Convenzione di Ginevra del 1949.


Il "sempre" è opinabile, perché solo alcuni stati la richiedono espressamente, così come indicato nel sito istituzionale Usa.gov:


People who drive in the U.S. must have a valid driver's license. If you're a foreign visitor, some states require you to have an International Driving Permit (IDP) and a valid license from your own country. To find out the ID requirements of the U.S. state(s) where you will be driving, contact that state's motor vehicle department.


A gennaio 2023 gli unici stati che la richiedono sono New Hampshire, Rhode Island e Vermont; se avete qualche dubbio, contattate direttamente il DMV o la polizia stradale dello stato che vi interessa, come abbiamo fatto noi in questo topic.


In caso di ulteriori dubbi, vi consigliamo di scrivere direttamente alle compagnie di noleggio per verificare la validità delle informazioni.


Modificato  da al3cs



Aggiornamento gennaio 2023 - Verificati ed aggiornati link ed email




Aggiornamento giugno 2019 - Verificati ed aggiornati link ed email


Aggiornamento luglio 2015 - Circolare 6 maggio 2015 prot.n.10815

Prendendo spunto da una circolare del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti di cui abbiamo parlato recentemente , e dagli interventi degli utenti pisolo e room65, negli ultimi due mesi abbiamo perso un po' di tempo a verificare, stato per stato, quale sia la reale normativa adottata in materia negli USA e non quella che adottano secondo il nostro MIT. :WallBash: 

Vi risparmiamo tutti i dettagli della ricerca, riportando solo il risultato finale: buona lettura! :hands: 

P.S. Il caso della Florida meritava di essere raccontato nei dettagli... :lol:



Il 19/7/2015 at 20:43, al3cs ha scritto:

Questa "nuova" circolare mi era già stata segnalata: hanno modificato qualcosa rispetto alla marea di sciocchezze che hanno scritto l'anno scorso, ma la sostanza non cambia, nessuno si è preso la briga di andare a controllare e/o contattare gli stati USA per verificare la veridicità di quanto scritto.

Io avevo già avuto qualche dubbio su Arkansas e Hawaii, poi quando sono arrivata all'Illinois ho smesso di controllare perché mi sono resa conto che - come sempre quando si ha a che fare con i nostri ministeri - è solo una colossale perdita di tempo: quando si legge che in Illinois la "patente italiana è valida se accompagnata da patente internazionale" mentre sul sito del Dipartimento dei trasporti dell'Illinois (a firma del Segretario di Stato, non del fruttivendolo - con tutto il rispetto - che lavora sotto il MIT!) c'è scritto chiaramente


Illinois does not recognize the international driver's license.

mi pare si fughi ogni dubbio, e senza possibilità di replica, sulla serietà con cui lavorano nei ministeri italiani...   :hands:
Se non vi sentite tranquilli, spendete 'sti € 40 e partite sereni ma, per carità, smettetela di dare seguito ai deliri ministeriali: se avete dei dubbi contattate direttamente (COME ABBIAMO FATTO NOI, E NON IL MIT) i locali dipartimenti dei Trasporti e/o la polizia stradale dello stato e o degli stati che vi interessano, lasciate perdere le stupidaggini che dicono i ministeri italiani.





People who drive in the U.S. must have a valid driver's license. If you're a foreign visitor, some states require you to have an International Driving Permit (IDP) and a valid license from your own country. To find out the ID requirements of the U.S. state(s) where you will be driving, contact that state's motor vehicle department





ATTENZIONE, alcuni siti potrebbero avere dei problemi di visualizzazione per gli ip italiani: si consiglia di bypassare il problema utilizzando un servizio di proxy online (tipo HideMyAss) o un'estensione VPN del browser (tipo Hola, Browsec o ZenMate). 







The following persons may drive a motor vehicle upon the streets or highways in Alabama without an Alabama driver license:


3. A non-resident at least 16 years old who has in his immediate possession a valid driver license issued to him in his home state or country. This includes military personnel from other states and their families stationed in Alabama, even though their assignment in Alabama may be of long duration.

4. A non-resident at least 16 years old whose home country does not require licensing of drivers may operate a motor vehicle as a driver of not more than 90 days in any calendar year, if the vehicle operated is duly registered for the current year in the home country of the non-resident.








You are welcome to drive in Alaska if you are at least 16 years old and have a valid driver license from another state, US Territory, or country.









What is needed for a person from another country to drive in Arizona?


You may legally drive in Arizona using a valid driver license from another country. An international driving license or permit is not required, but it is recommended because it can be printed in English and used in conjunction with the driver license from the other country. If an international driving license or permit is used alone, it must be issued by a country other than the United States. Vehicle rental companies may have additional requirements.





Risponde l'Highway Patrol Divison Commander



As a tourist, the 1949 Geneva Convention agreement between the United States and Italy allows you to travel in the U.S. with your valid Italian driver’s license for a period not to exceed one year. Arkansas does not require you to obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP); however purchasing one is recommended, the IDP is a document that provides important information from your driver’s license in eleven different languages, including English.








If you are a visitor in California over 18 years old and have a valid DL from your home state or country, you may drive in this state without getting a California DL as long as your home state DL remains valid.









Non-resident aliens: Foreign tourists, instructors and business persons may drive any private (non-commercial) vehicle with their personal driver license.









An International Driver Permit (IDP) is essentially an English translation of a foreign language driver's license issued by a foreign country. These permits can only be obtained in the country which issued the actual license.

Students and Visitors to Connecticut:

An IDP is not considered a valid license. It must accompany the valid foreign license. Connecticut permits a student or visitor to operate a motor vehicle in Connecticut for a period of up to one year with his or her foreign license. If the license is in a language other than English or Spanish, the license must be accompanied by an IDP which serves as an English translation of the foreign license.








How do I transfer my out-of-state license?


Non-resident drivers over the age of 16 years who have a valid driver's license issued by their home country may operate motor vehicles upon the highways of this State when their license is in their immediate possession.







Q. Visiting from another country?

A. Visitors to Florida who wish to drive while here are required to have in their immediate possession a valid driver license issued in his or her name from their country of residence.

If renting a car while visiting Florida, we suggest you check with the rental car company prior to your visit to see what they require. However, it’s our understanding that rental car companies have not changed their procedures or requirements for having a valid driver license from any state, U.S. territory or foreign country.





Non-US citizens with a valid foreign driver’s license are allowed to drive in the state of Georgia for tourism or business purposes. If you choose to drive with a license issued by a foreign country, a law officer may ask for your passport or visa to verify the license is valid.








What is the requirement to drive in Hawaii using my valid foreign license?

Countries that ratified the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (1949), may use their foreign national driver's license along with their valid passport to legally drive in Hawaii.  The driver must be at least 18 years old and may use the foreign driver's license no longer than one year after the date of entry in the United States.  The foreign passport would indicate the date of entry in the U.S.  It is strongly recommended that the foreign licensed driver possess an International Driving Permit (IDP) to avoid language barriers between the foreign driver and Hawaii's law enforcement officials.




Risponde l'Idaho Transportation Department



Driver's License


Thank you for your inquiry.
If your Italian license is in English, then you do not need an International Driving Permit; if it needs translated into English, then you do need the IDP.
Thank you.

Idaho Transportation Department








Drivers moving to Illinois may use their valid driver's license from their home state or country for 90 days. You may obtain an Illinois driver's license or identification card only if you are becoming a legal resident of Illinois. If you have a valid driver's license from another state or country, you may use it to drive in Illinois throughout your stay (if you do not plan to become a permanent resident of this state). Illinois does not recognize the international driver's license.





Risponde l'Indiana State Police



Indiana recognizes Italian driver licenses as a valid license.  You do not need an IDP.


Thank you


Indiana State Police









No. A student who has a permanent residence and a valid driver’s license in another state or country may operate a motor vehicle on Iowa roadways without obtaining an Iowa driver’s license. A student is required to possess the driver’s license while operating a motor vehicle and may need to have the license translated into English if not already done so. 




Risponde il Kansas Higway Patrol



Your valid Italian driver’s license will be honored.  No International Driving Permit is required, but is helpful in translation.


MCI LT Tony Stewart

Kansas Highway Patrol General Headquarters

Public and Governmental Affairs

122 SW 7th Street

Topeka, KS 66603









All non-US citizens may drive in the U.S. on their valid foreign license and International Permit for up to one year from the date of admission into the U.S. provided their home country is part of the Foreign License Reciprocity.








A nonresident who has been licensed to drive or operate a motor vehicle under the laws of his home state and who has in his immediate possession a valid license issued to him by his home state, shall be permitted to drive a motor vehicle in this state without examination or license for a period not to exceed ninety days. You should contact the car rental company to discuss their rules.





Risponde il Bureau of Motor Vehicles



The need to obtain the international permit is to interpret your country’s language to English for the United States is an English speaking country. It should be carried with your country license, and ready to be presented, if asked to show your driver’s license, please.





Risponde il Motor Vehicle Administration



You may drive in the state of Maryland on your out-of-country license for up to one year if you are not becoming a resident and you meet the following guidelines:

Maryland Vehicle Law § 16-102. Persons exempt from licensing requirements:

(10) A nonresident of the United States if:

(i) The individual has a valid license to drive issued to the individual by the country of residence;

(ii) The individual's license authorizes him to drive in that country vehicles of the class he is driving in this State;

(iii) The individual is at least the same age as that required of a resident for the vehicle he is driving in this State; and

(iv) Except as provided for in Subtitle 8 of this title, the vehicle is not a commercial motor vehicle.








Under MGL, Chapter 90, Section 10 , all foreign licensed drivers are subject to the following requirements when operating a vehicle in Massachusetts:


- Must be at least 16 years of age.
- Must be in possession of a valid driver’s license when operating a motor vehicle in Massachusetts.
- May operate a motor vehicle in Massachusetts of the same type in which licensed to operate in any other state or country.

If the foreign license is not in English or does not have an English translation, must have one of the following:
- An International Driving Permit (IDP)
- A Translation into English of a Foreign License document, or similar acceptable translation
- An alternative translation document that contains a photo and English translation that closely matches the information from an IDP
-Must not be suspended or revoked.









Before March 2016, only drivers from recognized treaty countries could legally drive in Michigan on a foreign driver’s license. The licenses had to be printed in English, or accompanied with a written English translation.


It is important to remember that the 2016 law change doesn’t affect drivers from treaty countries. They may continue to drive legally in Michigan without needing to provide proof of legal presence.








You may drive a motor vehicle on public roads in Minnesota without a valid Minnesota driver’s license or permit, if you meet one of these exceptions:

• You are a nonresident who is at least 15 years of age and have in your possession a valid driver’s license issued to you in your home state or country.








A full valid UK or EU license is all that is required to drive in Mississippi. An International Driving Permit on its own is not acceptable.








Exemptions from license law. — The following persons are exempt from license hereunder:


  (2)  A nonresident who is at least sixteen years of age and who has in his immediate possession a valid license issued to him in his home state or country;








61-5-104. Exemptions. (1) The following persons are exempt from licensure under this chapter:


(2) A nonresident who is at least 15 years of age and who is in immediate possession of a valid operator's license issued to the nonresident by the nonresident's home state or country may operate a motor vehicle, except a commercial motor vehicle, in this state.








Nonresidents; license requirements; immunity.

(1) A nonresident shall not be prevented from operating a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state during the period within which he or she may lawfully operate such motor vehicle in the state under the general motor vehicle laws of this state, but in no event shall such immunity extend beyond a period of thirty days continuous residence in the State of Nebraska.


(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall be subject to the following limitations:


(a) Such nonresident shall be duly licensed under the motor vehicle laws of the state of his or her residence or have complied with the laws of the state of his or her residence relating to the registration or licensing of motor vehicles and conformed to the laws of such state of residence in relation to the operators of motor vehicles;








Can I drive in Nevada with a driver license or instruction permit from another state or country?


Yes, Nevada honors licenses and permits issued by the appropriate government agency in another state or country. Drivers under 18 must obey the restrictions listed under Nevad Teen Driving.


An International Driver License (IDL) is not required for foreign visitors. An IDL must be accompanied by a government-issued driver license. An IDL is only a translation of a license. It is not valid by itself.










•    Foreign citizens who are strictly tourists in the United States and hold a valid driver license from their home country accompanied by an international license issued by the home country.








Visitors with a foreign driver license who travel to the United States should carry an IDP or attach an acceptable English translation to their national driver license. The IDP is translated into the official languages of the United Nations (including English) and is useful in traffic emergencies. Non-citizens must obtain the IDP in their native country before traveling to the United States.







Who must be licensed to drive in New Mexico? (§66-5-2)


Except those expressly exempted, no person shall drive any motor vehicle, neighborhood electric car or moped upon a highway in this state unless the person: (1) holds a valid license issued under the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code; and (2) has surrendered to the division any other license previously issued to the person by this state or by another state or country.

Who is exempt? (§66-5-4)


Those who are exempt from New Mexico licensure while driving on our roads and highways include primarily:

2. a person who is at least 15 years of age and who has in his possession a valid driver’s license issued in the person’s home state or country, except that the person shall obtain a license upon becoming a resident and before the person is employed for compensation by another for the purpose of driving a motor vehicle; 








You can drive in New York State with a valid driver license from another state or country. You don’t need to apply for a New York State driver license unless you become a New York State resident. 

If you have a driver license from another country you do not need an International Driving Permit but it is helpful. The permit verifies in several languages that you have a valid driver license. Police officers who can’t read the language on your foreign driver license will be able to read the permit. Contact the authorities in your home country to get an International Driving Permit. 








A valid license issued by a government agency from a U.S. state or another country is required to drive legally in North Carolina. North Carolina law enforcement authorities do not recognize international driver licenses.








Can I drive a vehicle in North Dakota with an operator's license from another country?

North Dakota Century Code 39-06-02 provides an exemption for nonresidents who are at least 16 years of age who have a valid operator's license from their home state or country to drive a motor vehicle in North Dakota.








If you have a valid International Driver’s License or a valid driver’s license from another U.S. state, you may drive a car in Ohio for up to one year from the date of your arrival in the U.S. 







An Oklahoma License is NOT required for:
1.  Nonresidents at least 16 years old who are properly licensed to drive in their home state or country.







Visiting Oregon?


As a visitor, you can legally drive in Oregon if you have a valid driver license from:

- Any U.S. State or territory
- The District of Columbia
- A Canadian Province or another country


You are considered a visitor if:


Your permanent residence is outside Oregon;
You are in the military stationed in Oregon;
You are attending school in Oregon and are paying non-resident tuition; or
You do not plan to take any steps to become a resident of Oregon.

You will need to verify with your current Insurance Provider that your coverage meets the requirements for Oregon Insurance. You will find the Oregon Insurance requirements from the link below:




PLEASE NOTE: You may also consider an International Driving Permit (this is not required but is recommended). For information on the International Driving Permit, you will need to contact the motor vehicle/licensing department of the country that issued your driver's license.


Thank you for using our online services.




Customer Assistance

Oregon Department of Transportation

Driver and Motor Vehicle Services

1905 Lana Ave NE

Salem OR 97314





http://www.dmv.pa.gov/Pages/FAQ Pages/Miscellaneous-Frequently-Asked-Questions.aspx#Q5



Can I drive in Pennsylvania with my Foreign Driver's License?

Individuals who possess a valid foreign driver's license from their country are authorized to drive in Pennsylvania for up to one year from their date of entry into the United States, or upon expiration of their foreign license, whichever comes first. International driving permits are strongly recommended, but not required.





Risponde il Rhode Island - Division of Motor Vehicles



Yes, you do need IDP translated along with your out of country license and passport.


Thank you


Enforcement Team








If you're visiting from a non-English speaking country, you're strongly advised to get an International Driving Permit from your home country.  An International Driving Permit serves as a translation to be used with your valid driver's license. It is not an actual license, but is translates your foreign language license into English. It allows law enforcement officers to read your license.




Risponde il Department of Public Safety - Driver Licensing



32-12-24. Nonresident out-of-state licensee exempt from licensing requirement.


A nonresident who is at least sixteen years of age and who has in that person's immediate possession a valid operator's license or motorcycle operator's license issued by that person's home state or country may operate in this state any motor vehicle for which that person is licensed in the person's home state or country.








1. Does Tennessee recognize international driver licenses?

1. There is no “international driver license.” Tennessee does recognize driver licenses issued by other countries. [...]
The International Driver Permit is not required under any Tennessee statute. Since the International Driver Permit is an internationally standardized translation and verification of license validity, it can be used by law enforcement as an aid to determine a person’s identity and the validity of their foreign-issued license. However, an International Driver Permit is neither required to drive legally in this State nor serves as a valid substitute for a license issued by this State or any other state or country.








Driving privilege reciprocity allows a person to use a valid, unexpired foreign license to operate a motor vehicle in Texas for up to one year or until a person becomes a Texas resident, whichever date is sooner.





Utah Code Section



(1) A person may not drive a motor vehicle on a highway in this state unless the person is:

(d) a nonresident who is at least 16 years of age and younger than 18 years of age who has in the nonresident's immediate possession a valid license certificate issued to the nonresident in the nonresident's home state or country and is driving in the class or classes identified on the home state license certificate, except those persons referred to in Part 6, Drivers' License Compact, of this chapter;
(e) a nonresident who is at least 18 years of age and who has in the nonresident's immediate possession a valid license certificate issued to the nonresident in the nonresident's home state or country if driving in the class or classes identified on the home state license certificate, except those persons referred to in Part 6, Drivers' License Compact, of this chapter;

An international drivers license will not allow you to drive in Utah unless it is accompanied by a valid driver license from your country of residence. Without this, the international driver license has no bearing. According to the statute above, an international driver license is not required, only a valid license from your state or country of origin. Please review the above code and verify that you are in compliance with the other requirements, including age and endorsements.








A foreign visitor from one of the countries or territories listed herein may legally drive on the roads of the State of Vermont on his or her own country’s license (limited to a licensed driver who is at least 18 years old, legally present in the U.S. and limited to a vehicle of the type covered by the license) for up to one year from the date of arrival.  


A licensed driver from one of the countries listed here in must carry a valid International Driving Permit in addition to their valid home country license









An international driver's license or permit is a foreign translation of your existing DMV driver's license for use when you are traveling outside the United States. It is invalid alone, but can be helpful when accompanied by a valid driver's license.

These licenses are issued by your local AAA but are not issued to persons whose driving privilege is suspended or revoked. Beware of offers from entities selling an international driver's license that cannot be suspended or revoked. These licenses are NOT VALID and are not authorized by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Visitors or military personnel holding an international license issued by a foreign country may operate a vehicle in this country, but only if the international license is accompanied by a valid driver's license issued by the person's home country.








If you are a nonresident or a short-term visitor, you can operate a motor vehicle in this state if you have a valid driver license
from your home state, province, territory, or country and you are at least 16 years old. This applies to:
• foreign tourists, teachers, or business people who are here for up to one year.








Procedures on Driver's Licenses


Who Must Be Licensed?
If you live in West Virginia and want to drive a motor vehicle on the public roads, you must have a West Virginia driver's license, unless you are exempt. You must carry your license with you when you drive.


Who is Exempt?
Any person operating a motor vehicle in the armed services of the United States in the performance of official duties.
A nonresident who is at least 16 years old and has a valid driver's license from another state or country (limited to 90 days in a calendar year).
A nonresident who is attending a West Virginia college or university and has a valid license from another state








Foreign motorists from any of the countries who are party to the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949) or the Convention on the Regulation of Inter-American Motor Vehicle Traffic (Washington, D.C., 1943) who visit the United States as tourists can drive legally using their valid domestic driver license for a period not to exceed one year from the date of arrival. They may drive either a personal or rental car.





Risponde il Wyoming Department of Transportation



Drivers with licenses issued from another country may drive in Wyoming as long as they have a valid driver license from their country. An International Driving Permit is recommended but not mandatory. This permit translates your driver license, so if needed, the proper authorities will be able to ascertain the information on your driver license. 

Best Regards,

Renée Krawiec
WYDOT-Driver Services
Phone: 307-777-4800
Fax: 307-777-4922

  • reaction_title_1 3
  • 2 weeks later...

Ciao a tutti,

mi pare di aver capito che per noleggiare l'auto non serva la patente internazionale, ma ACI e Motorizzazione dicono che per guidare là serve la patente internazionale....

se mi fermano i cops mi portano dentro?

tra l'altro non avrei tempo di fare quella internazionale perchè parto il 10 luglio!!!


Io nel dubbio l'avevo fatta. Nessun poliziotto mi ha mai fermato quindi non ti so dire, pero' avevo letto un po' di storie in rete e mi ero documentato su vari siti della motorizzazione negli USA, li' e' consigliata diciamo.

Se decidi di farla, dovresti arrivare in tempo, te la fanno in una settimana, forse meno.


Il problema grosso è che gli USA non riconoscono la patente internazionale attualmente rilasciata in Italia, ma solo una che si può fare su richiesta... e i tempi si allungherebbero!

La polizia non mi ha mai fermato, ma non ho sentito nessuno a cui abbiano richiesto la patente internazionale!


E' vero quello che dice Panda, ci vuole la patente aderente alla convenzione di Ginevra del 1949 (idem per il Giappone), ma questo in motorizzazione lo sanno e i tempi sono gli stessi che per quella normale.

Io nel dubbio l'avevo fatta. Nessun poliziotto mi ha mai fermato quindi non ti so dire, pero' avevo letto un po' di storie in rete e mi ero documentato su vari siti della motorizzazione negli USA, li' e' consigliata diciamo.

Dipende dagli stati, quelli che la richiedono sono pochi.La maggior parte vuole la vera patente italiana e di quella internazionale se ne fregano.

quelli che la richiedono sono pochi.

Potresti indicare il link a questo elenco?

Grazie!! : Wink :

Io non ne ho trovati, ma si possono raccogliere le info sui website DMV di ogni stato anche se talvolta e' difficile.

  • 3 weeks later...

Esperienza recente mia moglie è stata fermata a Palm Springs (California) in data 05.07.2010 per svolta vietata; multa evitata per un pelo (il poliziotto ha capito la nostra buona fede stavamo cercando il giardino botanico), richiesta la sola patente italiana !!


Io avevo fatto la patente internazionale nel 2007 - mai vista nè controllata.

L'odioso documento è scaduto a Giugno 2010 e non ho nessuna voglia di rinnovarlo.

Me lo porto comunque dietro.

Vado tranquillo, vero ?

Io avevo fatto la patente internazionale nel 2007 - mai vista nè controllata.

L'odioso documento è scaduto a Giugno 2010 e non ho nessuna voglia di rinnovarlo.

Me lo porto comunque dietro.

Vado tranquillo, vero ?

Ma si, anche noi abbiamo un'esperienza nel 2008 in New Mexico in un paesino, quando ci hanno spaccato il paraurti dietro, è arrivato il poliziotto locale al quale ho dato la mia patente italiana (fra l'altro era pure quella vecchia cartacea con la foto di un "bambino" :lol: ), e non ci ha detto assolutamente nulla.

  • 5 weeks later...

Ragazzi, parto domenica, non ho la patente internazionale e ho letto quanto segue....ma è vero????

Se ricevere una multa è seccante, figuriamoci quelle ingiuste e per di più prese in vacanza. Il viceconsole italiano a San Diego, l'avvocato Roberto Ruocco, si reca almeno un paio di volte al mese presso il giudice per contestare le multe che sono inflitte agli italiani. Si tratta di sfortunati turisti che incappano in un poliziotto troppo diligente, che non sa che "negli Stati Uniti si può guidare con la patente italiana per 90 giorni, che corrisponde al periodo massimo di permanenza come turista, - ci spiega il viceconsole - ma dal momento che la stessa cosa non è valida per ogni Paese, la polizia generalmente senza patente internazionale infligge la multa". Siamo andati a chiedere di persona al Dipartimento Centrale della Polizia di San Diego, che ha fama di essere la più dura e intransigente della California, e alla domanda se un italiano può guidare con la sua patente, i poliziotti con i quali abbiamo parlato sono d'accordo sul fatto che occorra la "patente internazionale" in California. Le multe vanno pagate oppure contestate recandosi personalmente alla Corte di giustizia in una udienza alla quale si viene convocati con una lettera. Serve fornire alla polizia un indirizzo per farti recapitare il verbale e nel caso non si abbia una casa, un amico o un parente negli Stati Uniti, è consigliabile dare quello del Consolato italiano. La lettera viene recapitata alcuni mesi dopo e proprio perché un turista non può rimanere per più di novanta giorni, deve delegare un avvocato che si rechi dal Giudice per pagare la multa oppure per contestarla: altre spese che si sommano per lo sfortunato turista......

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