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I Diari UOTR - Indice Generale e Linee Guida per la stesura


Messaggi raccomandati

Ultimo aggiornamento Aprile 2024


In questo topic troverete tutti i diari pubblicati su Usa On The Road, dalla creazione del forum ad oggi; per facilitare la ricerca del diario, abbiamo organizzato e suddiviso i topic in base alle varie zone visitate durante il viaggio; i diari sono quindi stati ordinati seguendo l'elenco alfabetico degli utenti-scrittori.

Ogni diario presenta inoltre un breve sommario delle principali tappe toccate durante il percorso, così da facilitare ulteriormente l'identificazione degli scritti di nostro interesse.

Queste sono le categorie: ricordo nuovamente che l'organizzazione dei testi è basata sull'ordine alfabetico dell'utente che ha scritto il diario:






Itinerari attraverso AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM e UT
[A]  [B C D]  [E F]  [G]  [H I J K]  [L]  [M]  [N O P]  [Q R S T]  [U V W X Y Z]



Itinerari SW con qualche deviazione

[A - I]  [J - Z]







REAL AMERICA (+ SW) and more

Itinerari attraverso WY, MT, ND, SD, ID + SW e/o qualche deviazione
[A - F]  [G - L] [M - Z]









Itinerari attraverso OR e WA, con qualche deviazione

[A - L]  [M - Z]






WEST: States & Cities (& more) 

Itinerari in un singolo stato o una singola città (WEST)










Itinerari attraverso AL, DE, FL, GA, KY, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV, & Washington D.C.


Itinerari SE con qualche deviazione









 Itinerari attraverso CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT

[A - E]  [F - Z]



 Itinerari NE con qualche deviazione

[A - L]  [M - Z]







Itinerari NE+SE con qualche deviazione






EAST: States & Cities (& more)

Itinerari in un singolo stato o una singola città (EAST)



Only FLORIDA [A-F]  [G-Z]






 Itinerari meno battuti: Midwest, Coast to Coast, Route 66, East+West & percorsi alternativi
[A-F]  [G-M]  [N-Z]




[A-C]  [D-M]  [N-Z]






Queste sono ulteriori informazioni che troverete nell’indice:

Semaforo VERDE Green.png Diario completato [COMPLETO]

Semaforo GIALLO: Yellow.png Diario in lavorazione [IN CORSO]

Semaforo ROSSO: Red.png Diario fermo da più di 365 giorni [INTERROTTO] (la parte di itinerario scritta in rosso è quella mancante nel diario)


newred.png Diario di recente inserimento

alert.png Diario sprovvisto dell’itinerario

camera.png  Fotodiario


Bob.png Diario con uno o più viaggiatori under 6 


Untitled11.jpg?width=33&height=33&fit=bo Diario con uno o più viaggiatori con mobilità ridotta

pdf.png  Diario inserito all’interno delle raccolte in pdf UOTR e volume nel quale è inserito


La stesura di un nuovo diario non è soggetta ad alcuna limitazione, tuttavia è possibile che la pubblicazione venga differita di qualche ora per consentire ai membri dello staff di inserirlo nell'indice, mantenendolo così aggiornato ed efficiente.
Per lo stesso motivo, vi chiediamo di segnalarne la chiusura.

Potete contattare i moderatori anche per aggiornare le informazioni relative ad un vostro diario già presente nell'indice (ad esempio specificando meglio le tappe toccate durante il viaggio); qualora riscontraste questo problema potete contattare uno dei mod indicati, al fine di sistemare il tutto!

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Premessa: Le impostazioni che andremo di seguito a descrivere sono ovviamente facoltative, ogni utente è libero di migliorarle o di non metterle in pratica ( :twisted: ), riteniamo però che l’utilizzo di alcuni accorgimenti in fase di stesura del diario, ne faciliteranno la lettura da parte degli utenti sul forum.

Titolo del diario: Nel titolo dovrebbe essere indicato l’anno in cui il viaggio è stato effettuato, ovviamente ampia libertà alla fantasia...

Itinerario: Nel primo messaggio del diario dovrebbe essere contenuto l’itinerario delle tappe toccate durante il viaggio, non importa descrivere dettagliatamente ogni attività della giornata, quanto almeno la data e le città toccate ad inizio e fine giornata (partenza/arrivo); ogni utente è comunque libero di impostare come crede l’itinerario, oltre a data e tappe può inserire un riassunto della giornata, i chilometri percorsi o altro; questi sono alcuni esempi:

“26 Maggio - Monument Valley/Page (Lower Antelope)/Kanab”

“♪ - 16 giugno: Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument”

“02/08: San Diego-Borrego Springs”

Il passo successivo è rendere le tappe dell’itinerario linkabili, ogni tappa può essere collegata alla relativa giornata, permettendo di reperire facilmente la pagina del diario relativa a quel dato giorno.
Per fare questo dovrete per prima cosa editare il messaggio iniziale (in cui è contenuto l’itinerario) attraverso l’apposito tasto “Edit” (in alto a destra nel messaggio), una volta all’interno dell’editor del messaggio potrete inserire il seguente codice (ovviamente senza il tag “code”):


Il link alla giornata è quello che trovate sopra ad ogni messaggio ed è un collegamento univoco verso quel messaggio.

Ripetendo questa semplice operazione per ogni tappa del vostro itinerario, avrete un qualcosa tipo questo:
21 Maggio - Italia/Denver
22 Maggio - Denver/Montrose (lungo la strada St.Elmo Ghost Town - Black Canyon of Gunnison
23 Maggio - Montrose/Moab (Colorado N.M. - Potash/Shafer + Canyonlands N.P.)

E’ importante rispettare la sintassi del codice, quindi dopo “url=” indicare il link alla giornata e tra i due tag, descrivere la giornata.

Queste semplici indicazioni permetteranno agli utenti che leggeranno il diario in futuro, di avere un più rapido accesso a tutte le informazioni contenute.

Per dubbi o domande vi ricordiamo che i moderatori sono a vostra disposizione!

Grazie per la collaborazione

UOTR Staff



EDIT by al3cs: attualmente la possibilità di editare i propri messaggi è stata ridotta alle 24 ore successive all'inserimento, pertanto sarà lo Staff ad occuparsi dell'aggiornamento dell'indice.
Nel caso qualcuno non risultasse aggiornato, segnalatelo scrivendo un messaggio nel diario stesso, provvederemo non appena possibile. 
Grazie della collaborazione.  :flowers:
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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, NEVADA, NEW MEXICO e UTAH)







acfraine  [2019]- L'urlo dei gemelli terrorizza anche l'occidente - SW 2019 Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Bakersfield - Sequoia National Park - Yosemite National Park - Bodie - Mammoth Lakes - Independence - Amargosa Valley - Mesquite - Bryce Canyon National Park - Zion National Park - Las Vegas 



acfraine  [2011]- Diario 2011: Ice cold water 1$: da San Diego a Las Vegas Green.pngpdf.pngWest 4
SOUTHWEST: San Diego - Borrego Springs - Phoenix - Sedona - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Escalante - Bryce Canyon - Kanab - Springdale - Las Vegas
acfraine  [2010]- Diario 2010: SW 2010 tra dune di sabbia, border patrol....e qualche orso! Green.pngpdf.pngWest 2
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Blythe - Ajo - Tucson - Willcox - Alamogordo - Santa Fe - Taos - Alamosa - Farmington - Flagstaff - Las Vegas - Ridgecrest - Sequoia NP - Morro Bay - San Francisco



acfraine  [2006]- Diario 2006: Parchi dell'Ovest, 5-26 agosto 2006 Green.pngpdf.pngWest 1
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Lone Pine - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Havasu Falls - Kingman - Las Vegas - Los Angeles


AJ83  [2017]- Crazy: a touch of the west! Loop di 8 giorni da Las Vegas Red.png   

SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Valley of Fire - Zion National Park - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Meteor Crater - Sedona - Williams - Seligman - Oatman



newred.pngal3cs [2024]- Gennaio 2024 - A Winter Escape [FOTODIARIO] Green.png camera.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Indio - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



al3cs [2013]- Ottobre 2013 - Gnagnatevi l'America! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Calipatria - Ajo - Phoenix - Tucson - Willcox - Alamogordo - Santa Fe - Albuquerque - Acoma - Acoma - Chinle - Holbrook - Sedona - Las Vegas - Los Angeles
al3cs [2012/13]Diario 2012/2013: Natale con i tuoi... Capodanno con un Panda! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Las Vegas - San Diego

al3cs [2011]- Diario 2011: Dreams come true: Gnagni on the road Green.png pdf.pngWest 3
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Simeon - Santa Cruz - Yosemite - Bridgeport - Death Valley - Area51 - Zion - Bryce - Capitol Reef - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Anaheim - Los Angeles



albertotao [2010]- Diario 2010: Colorado Plateau - Four Corners...tra arizona, new mexico e Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Tucson - Alamogordo - Santa Fè - Canyon de Chelly - Mexican Hat - Moab - Torrey - Escalante - Kanab - Page - Phoenix



alebolli [2004]- Diario 2004: Fotoreport Frisco e West 2004!!! Green.pngcamera.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Sequoia NP - Las Vegas - Area 51 - Route 66 - Los Angeles



alessipe [2018]CODENAME OTR 2018, California + SD Green.png   

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Sequoia - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Valley of Fire - Kingman - Joshua Tree - Borrego Springs - San Diego



Alexina [2012]- Diario 2012: Alexina e Andrea ritorno in USA – The Grand circle 2012 Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Route 66 - San Diego - Santa Monica - Los Angeles - Morro Bay



Andy [2011] - Diario 2011: Andrea e Marina SouthWest Honeymoon – May 2011 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument - Moab - Capitol Reef - Bryce - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Sequoia - Yosemite - San Francisco


Aquila [2010]- Diario 2010: Born to run - South West 2010! Green.pngpdf.pngWest 2
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Phoenix - Scottsdale - Grand Canyon - Page - The Wave - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Bryce - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Sequoia - Los Angeles
Aquila [2008]- Diario 2008: Tour della California - Estate 2008 Green.png pdf.pngWest 1
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Monterey - San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas



Arizona 71 [2018]- In the name of Rock' can KISS the bride Green.png   

SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Cedar City - Caineville - Monument Valley - Kingman - Three Rivers - Los Angeles


Arizona 71 [2011]Diario 2011: Per San Valentino usciamo??? .. sì a Vegas! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - San Diego - Los Angeles
Arizona 71 [2009]- Diario 2009: On the road 2009 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Diego - Las Vegas - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Escalante - Bryce - Death Valley - Los Angeles


arouge75 [2011]- Diario 2011: 6 states | 12 parks | 3000 miles Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Lee Vining - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Cortez - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Las Vegas

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  • 2 settimane dopo...


(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






Barabba81 [2011] - Diario 2011: CA - NV - UT - AZ - CA: Maggio 2011 Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Morro Bay - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Lake Havasu City - San Diego - Los Angeles 



Barby79 [2010] - Diario 2010: La mia WEST COAST!!!  Green.png pdf.pngWest 2

SOUTHWEST:Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco - Los Angeles



newred.pngbene9 [2022]Agosto 2022 - Marco&Miki - Once Upon a Time in the West Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Sequoia National Park - Mojave - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Colton - San Diego - Los Angeles - Morro Bay - Santa Cruz - San Francisco



bettimatteo [2014] Agosto 2014 - Keep calm and Southwest on! Red.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Oatman - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Capitol Reef - Bryce Canyon - The Wave - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



Bianco31  [2015] - West in famiglia 2015 Green.pngBob.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Pismo Beach - Anaheim - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Torrey - Bryce - Zion - Las Vegas - Mojave - Sequoia - San Francisco



Bianco31 [2018] - West 2018...parte seconda (Fotodiario) Green.png camera.png

SOUTHWEST: Joshua Tree - Tucson - Alamogordo - Santa Fe - Chinle - Cortez - Moab - Escalante - Las Vegas - San Diego



borsig1963 [2011] - Diario 2011: The Grand Circle – Agosto 2011 Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Moab - Mesa Verde - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Page - Kanab - Las Vegas



borsig1963 [2007] - Diario 2007: - Oldies - California 2007 Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Morro Bay - San Francisco



bumblebee [2016] - Maggio 2016: slot, arches and falls Red.png

SOUTHWEST: Riverside, CA - Joshua Tree - Peach Springs - Supai - Winslow - Monument Valley - Moab - Torrey - Escalante - Tropic - Cedar City - Las Vegas


cagi78 [2011] - Diario 2011: Tommy on the road con mamma e papà (31 luglio – 21 agosto) Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Route 66 - Los Angeles - San Diego
ceemo [2014] - Diario 2014: Into The West with parents Green.png 
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Capitol Reef  - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas



Chiara_jk [2015] - Diario 2015: "...e la strada porta sempre a OVEST" - Red Power 2015! JK & Frax Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Tucson - Alamogordo - Holbrook - Page - Torrey - Escalante - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Death Valley - Las Vegas
Chiara_jk [2013] - Diario 2013: US West '13-I know this corner of the earth, it smiles at me Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Morro Bay - Monterey - Yosemite - Bridgeport - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion -  Bryce Canyon - Capitol Reef - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Kingman - San Diego - Los Angeles


Criscorpione [2014] - Marzo 2014: Cris&Tommi back from California & Utah! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Wendover - Salt Lake City - Moab - Torrey - Cedar City - Las Vegas - Newberry Springs - San Francisco 



Criscorpione [2011] - Diario 2011: South West 2011 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Tucson - Las Cruces - Socorro - Albuquerque - Santa Fe - Durango - Mexican Hat - Needles - San Francisco



dancerUsa [2010] - Diario 2010: West Coast 2010_From Los Angeles to San Francisco Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Route66 - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument - Moab - Capitol Reef - Bryce - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco



DaniReef [2016] - Agosto 2016: 3 generazioni a spasso nel West: LA - LV - Parchi - Route 66 - San Diego e ritorno  Green.png

SOUTHWEST:  Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Page  - Monument Valley -  Grand Canyon - Twentynine Palms - San Diego - Los Angeles



dario [2009] - Diario 2009: Da Phoenix a Los Angeles Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Monument - Moab - Bryce - Page - Grand Canyon - Williams - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco - Los Angeles



dariuz [2010] - Diario 2010: 5 amici on the road Green.pngpdf.png West 2
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Arches - Canyonlands - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Meteor Crater - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco



Dingus [2018] - Nel West in sedia a rotelle - Settembre 2018  Green.png Untitled11.jpg

SOUTHWEST:  Los Angeles - Twentynine Palms - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Kayenta - Chinle - Moab - Torrey - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Los Angeles


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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






elenaale [2013] - Agosto 2013 -  Ele(e)Ale…ubriachi di felicità nel West Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Ventura - Monterey - San Francisco - Yosemite - Sequoia - Las Vegas - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Needles - Santa Monica



Elenina23 [2012]- Agosto 2012 - WESTERN USA N.P. 2012 – Ele&Ale tour Green.png
SOUTHWESTLos Angeles - Sequoia NP - Monterey - San Francisco - Yosemite - Mammoth Lakes - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Moab - Page - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



emyb86 [2016]Giugno 2016 - 30enni VS 60enni alla conquista del West!_giugno 2016  Red.png  
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Zion - Cedar City - Bryce Canyon - Escalante - Capitol Reef - Torrey - Moab - Mesa Verde - Durango - Bluff - Monument Valley - Page - Big Water -  St. George - Las Vegas

emyb86 [2015]Agosto 2015 - Honeymoon on the road_West_lug/ago Green.png 
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Sausalito - Yosemite - Mono Lake - Bodie - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Route66 - Kingman - Los Angeles - San Diego
erimitis [2013]- Ottobre 2013 - Sud-ovest e shut-down - 2013 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Morro Bay - Los Angeles - Saint George - Zion – Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas



ester70k [2019] - Agosto 2019 - Terre rosse,laghi bianchi, cieli blu! Il ritorno dei Kova Green.png  
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Death Valley - Salt Lake City - Moab - Capitol Reef - Escalante - Bryce Canyon - Tropic - Grand Canyon North Rim -  Las Vegas



ester70k [2015] - Agosto 2015 - Il mio sogno: i Kova nel West Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Sequoia - Carmel - Morro Bay - Los Angeles - San Diego - Zion - Page - Bryce Canyon - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas



Fabrizio69 [2018] - Keep Calm and GO West 2018: anche noi all'Ovest!!  Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bridgeport - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles



Fabryirex [2017] - USA on the Road 2017: La conquista del WEST Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Flagstaff - Gallup - Santa Fe - Albuquerque - Alamogordo - Sierra Vista - Tucson - Yuma - San Diego



Fagianella [2012] Diario 2012: Far West '12 - nel senso che siamo in 12! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Denver - Moab - Cortez - Monument Valley - Page - Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas - Bishop - Yosemite - San Francisco

Fax [2013] Ottobre 2013: L'amore ai tempi dello shutdown Green.png
SOUTHWEST:LAX - Needles - Kingman via Route66 - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Bryce - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Lee Vining -  - Yosemite - San Francisco - Morro Bay - Los Angeles



Flowerpower81 [2018] Cieli immensi - South-West 2018 Red.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Sedona - Apache Trail - Tucson - Saguaro West - Chiricahua - White Sands - Santa Fe - Petrified Forest - Holbrook - Canyon de Chelly - Moab - Capitol Reef - Valley of Fire - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



Flowerpower81 [2017]Agosto 2017 - A promise to California Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - San Luis Obispo - Los Angeles - San Diego - Joshua Tree - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Sequoia


Flowerpower81 [2014] Agosto 2014 - Silver Linings Playdiary (Il Lato Positivo) - West 2014 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bridgeport - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Page - Monument - Grand Canyon - Route66 - Kingman - Los Angeles - San Francisco


fraxnico [2013] Diario 2013: We're goin’ straight to the Wild Wild West! Il mio 2°OTR! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Tusayan - Monument Valley - Moab - Green River - Bryce Canyon - Kanab - Mesquite - Las Vegas

fraxnico [2012] Diario 2012: Natale con i tuoi,PASQUA A las VEGAS!!Il mio 1°OTR,aprile'12 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon West - San Diego - Los Angeles


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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






g_elisa [2013]Realizzare un sogno in viaggio di nozze - West 2013 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Carmel by the Sea - Big Sur - Morro Bay - Santa Barbara - Los Angeles - Calico Ghost Town - Las Vegas - Route 66 - Grand Canyon - Sedona - San Diego


g&g Aurora [2016] - Dicembre 2016 G & G Aurora south west usa il sogno diventa realtà Red.png Bob.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Las Vegas - San Francisco



GabboX [2014]- Agosto 2014 - Il mio West America! Red.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Upland - Williams - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Lancaster - Los Angeles - Monterey - San Francisco
ganasso [2010] - Diario 2010: SFO - PARCHI - LAX GIUGNO 2010 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Arches - Capitol Reef - Goosenecks State Park - Monument Valley - Page - Antelope Canyon - Horseshoe Bend - Grand Canyon - Seligman - Route 66 - Los Angeles
gbarosi [2011] - Diario 2011: DA SFO A LAX CON PARCHI E LAS VEGAS 13-28 - 9 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Horseshoe Bend - Antelope Canyon - Monument Valley - Four Corners NM - Grand Canyon - Route 66 - Oatman - Los Angeles



Giadatrieste [2017]Back to the West 2017... ma come abbiamo fatto a vincere la Lottery??? California, Utah, Nevada e Arizona Red.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Page - The Wave - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Route66 - Los Angeles



Gianluca80 [2011] - Diario 2011: 2 Shottini e 3 BeerBanti nel tour California 2011 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Diego - Los Angeles - Lompoc - San Francisco - Sequoia - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas

Gianluca80 [2010] - Diario 2010: 4 BeerBanti On The Road:Il nostro viaggio nel SouthWest Green.pngpdf.pngWest 2
SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument - Moab - Capitol Reef - Bryce - Zion - Las Vegas - Los Angeles - San Diego
Gianni Gabetti [2014] - Agosto 2014: FAMILY WEST AGO-SET 2014 Red.pngalert.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - San Simeon - Los Angeles - Kingman - Flagstaff - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley

GIBRAN70 [2008] - Diario 2008: VIAGGIO NEL FAR WEST 18-08-08 31-08-08 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Phoenix - Alamogordo - Santa Fè - Monument ValleyCanyon de Chelly - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas



Gini [2017]Vi&Vi: California + Las Vegas 2017  Red.png 
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Valley of Fire - Death Valley - Sequoia National Park - Fresno - San Francisco - Monterey - Carmel - San Luis Obispo - Solvang - Santa Barbara - Malibu - Santa Monica - Los Angeles - Manhattan Beach



Giovanna86 [2017] - South West 2017... Here we are again!! Green.png 

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Ontario - Tucson - Willcox - Alamogordo - Santa FE - Cortez - Moab - Capitol Reef - Bryce Canyon - Grand Canyon - Sedona - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



Giovanna86 [2016] Agosto 2016: Living a Dream...Gio' & Peruz on the road!! Green.png 
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Bridgeport - Yosemite - San Francisco - San Diego



giulia 79 [2013]Diario 2013: Red Hot and Chili: New Mexico and South West 2013 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Tucson - Las Cruces - Albuquerque - Santa Fe - Abiquiu - Gallup - Sedona - Page - Zion - Death Valley - Las Vegas



giulia83 [2010] - Diario 2010: mini guida west coast 2010 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Bryce Canyon - Page - Antelope Canyon - Horseshoe Bend - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Route 66 - Williams - Los Angeles - San Diego



glauco [2011] - Diario 2011: CA-NV-UT-AZ on the road coi bambini, giugno 2011 Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST: San Diego - Los Angeles - San Josè - San Francisco - Yosemite - Sequoia - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - San Diego

gle-gle [2014] - Aprile 2014: Because I'm Happy!!! - California on the Road Red.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Francisco - Carmel by Sea - Marina del Rey - San Diego - Joshua Tree - Twentynine Palms - Las Vegas - Los Angeles 

go baby go [2014] Honeymoon 2014 - Agosto nel West! Green.png
SOUTHWESTSan Francisco - Morro Bay - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Route 66 - Las Vegas

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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






ilpaghiro [2014] Giugno 2014 - USA Parchi Sud-Ovest: quando la realtà supera la fantasia Green.png 

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Joshua Tree NP - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Monticello - Moab - Torrey - Panguitch - Springdale - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco - Morro Bay - Los Angeles



ippos [2013] Diario 2013: West, finalmente anche noi! Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Lee Vining - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Capitol Reef - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles



issa1990 [2018] California love 2018 Green.png 

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Monterey - San Francisco - Fresno - Bakersfield - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Page - Kingman - Palm Springs



ittolino [2006] - Diario 2006 WEST AMERICA... DIARIO DI UN SOGNO... AVVERATO! Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Sequoia National Park - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles



jamesdean [2012] Diario 2012: Rainbow Southwest, dicembre '12 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Atascadero - Death Valley - Las Vegas -  Hurricane - Kanab - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Lake Havasu - Orange County - Los Angeles



joecool [2016] - Aprile 2016 - Il nostro West: da SFO ai parchi rossi - Aprile/Maggio 2016 Green.png  
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Monterey - Sequoia NP - Bakersfield - Death Valley NP - Las Vegas - Zion NP - Kanab - Bryce Canyon NP - Torrey - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon NP - Williams - Las Vegas


juri87mi [2012] - Diario 2012: 4 Amici & 1 Wheelchair a spasso per la west coast(marzo2012) Green.png Untitled11.jpg?width=33&height=33&fit=bo
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Monterey - Los Angeles - San Diego - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Los Angeles



kappae_86 [2013] - Diario 2013:Il sogno americano! Honeymoon Giugno 2013 Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Morro Bay - Los Angeles - San Diego - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Tropic - Bryce Canyon - Tropic - Las Vegas

katatsoibriu [2013] - Diario 2013: Proposta Indecente...ANDIAMO IN AMERICA!!! [kataWest 2013] Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Sequoia NP - San Francisco



Kate1984 [2015] Ottobre 2015: #MyCrazyWest #PosaKate #SelfieOTR Red.pngBob.png

SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Prescott - Sedona - Escalante - Torrey - Cortez - Pagosa Spring - Denver - Boulder - Badlands - Deadwood - Vernal - Grafton - St.George - Las Vegas - Kingman - Tucson - Phoenix



Kate1984 [2009] Diario 2009: INIZIAMO CON LA CALIFORNIA... Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Paso Robles - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - San Diego - Los Angeles



KIA1974 [2016] - Diario 2016: YES, WE...4 ON THE ROAD - con KIA 1974, sniperefa, Matteo e Alice Red.png 
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Page - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas - Yosemite - San Francisco - Los Angeles - San Diego - Los Angeles - Santa Cruz - San Francisco


kiamuse [2009] - Diario 2009: California.Arizona.Utah.Nevada On the road 2009 (diario+foto) Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Page - Mexican Hat - Moab - Panguitch - Las Vegas - Yosemite - San Francisco - Los Angeles

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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






lalletta21[2012] Diario 2012: ° ° My fabulous 30th birthday vacation ° ° Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Page - Grand Canyon - Route 66 - Flagstaff - San Diego - Los Angeles



laninni - [2011] Agosto 2011 - La nostra West Coast! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Williams - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Capitol Reef - Bryce - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco - Los Angeles - San Diego - Los Angeles


Iannutti [2015] Luglio 2015:Tour dei Grandi Parchi del Sud Ovest Usa in Camper Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bishop - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Capitol Reef - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - LA - Morro Bay - Monterey - San Francisco   



Lasolzina -[2018] Californa dreamin' 2018 Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Santa Cruz - Morro Bay - Santa Monica - San Diego - Joshua Tree - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Sequoia - Fresno - Petaluma - San Francisco



Lauretta83[2016]  American Dream 2016 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Joshua Tree NP - Route66 - Grand Canyon NP - Page - Monument Valley - Torrey - Escalante - Bryce Canyon - Zion NP - St. George - Valley of Fire SP - Las Vegas 



Lelafanny[2016] Maggio 2016: Honeymoon nel West  Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco -  Morro Bay - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles  



lily76[2013] Diario 2013: 30-08 /22-09 la nostra honey Moon on the road targata USA Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bishop - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Capitol Reef - Goblin Valley - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Escalante National Monument - Page - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles



Lizzina - [2018] L'angolino in basso a sinistra degli USA - South West on the road (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada), 10-26 agosto 2018 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Tucson - Lordsburg - Alamogordo - Santa Fe - Gallup - Sedona - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Los Angeles


Lizzina - [2014] Agosto 2014: Alla prima conquista del Far (South) West!!!  Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Capitol
Reef - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Lee Vining - Yosemite - San Francisco


lorelai [2011] Diario 2011: Free and easy down the road I go Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Grand Canyon - Page - Bryce - Zion - Las Vegas



Lucio Galvan[2010] Diario 2010: I parchi del SUD OVEST USA dal 03 al 20 settembre 2010 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Monterey - Mariposa - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Route66 - Las Vegas


newred.pnglucamix[2022] Classico OTR nell’ovest- Agosto 2022 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Lone Pine - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Twentynine Palms - Los Angeles - Salinas - San Francisco



newred.pngluisa53[2022]  Su e giù per Colorado, Arizona e Utah   Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Denver - Greenwood Village - Great Sand Dunes NP - Montrose - Moab - Bluff - Jacob Lake - Kanab -Torrey - Fruita - Aspen - Estes Park -Grand Lake - Denver



luisa53 - [2019] Ottobre nel South West - Diario 2019   Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Morro Valley - Phoenix - Tucson - Lordsburg - Alamogordo - Santa Fe - Holbrook - Mexican Hat - Torrey - Bryce Canyon - Springdale - Las Vegas - Ridgecrest - Los Angeles



luisa53[2010]  Southwest 2010: fotodiario (più foto che diario) Green.png 
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Scottsdale - Sedona - Flagstaff - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Four Corners - Mesa Verde - Moab - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Barstow - Los Angeles

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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






M@arilu [2016] Southwest & California for VIP only (Very Important Principianti)! Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bodie - Mammoth Lakes - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Page - Monument Valley -  Grand Canyon  -  Kingman -  Los Angeles -  Morro Bay  -  San Francisco 



Manu62 [2010] - Diario 2010: Viaggio nel West americano Green.png pdf.png West 2
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Anaheim - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Moab - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - San Diego - Los Angeles



marcosnow [2011] - Diario 2011: Marco e Debby around the South West Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Lee Vining - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Flagstaff - Los Angeles



marika85 [2014] - Luglio 2014 - Jumping in the Wild Wide West Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Lee vining - Mammoth Lakes - Death Valley - Zion -Kanab - Page - Las Vegas


marina63 [2013/14] - California, Arizona e Nevada 2013 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Ventura - Barstow - Las Vegas - Williams - Gold Canyon - Yuma - Palm Springs - Los Angeles



marina63 [2011] - Diario 2011: 18° USA on the nostro west insolito..... Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Sacramento - Eureka - Cathedral Gorge - Bryce Canyon - Capitol Reef - Monument Valley - Moab - Salt Lake City - Butte - Hells Canyon - Boise - Twin Falls - Shoshone Falls - Salt Lake City - Reno - Mono Lake - Yosemite - San Francisco

marina63 [2011] - Diario 2010/11: California Dreaming Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Route 66 - Oatman - Kingman - San Diego

Mark Elmo [2016] - 2016: West Coast On The Road con colpo di stato!!!  Green.png 
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles


martaandrea [2011] - Diario 2011: Marta & Andrea tra la natura del west Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Zion - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas


martin84jazz [2013] - Diario 2013: La Gioia di Vivere!! (south west 15-29 settembre) Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Las Vegas - Yosemite - San Francisco



newred.pngMarty74 [2023] - Southwest 2023, tra uragani, dune e cactus Yellow.png
SOUTHWEST: San Diego - Ajo - Tucson - Lordsburg - Alamogordo - Santa Fè - Gallup - Sedona - Las Vegas - Joshua Tree - LAX



Marty74 [2018] - A spasso nel West senza valigie 2018 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles



MaxMontella [2016] -  Giugno/Luglio 2016 - The 4 Elements: California vs. CowBoy !! Red.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Mojave  -  Joshua Tree N.P. - Oxnard - - Anacapa Island (Channel Islands N.P.) - Pismo Beach - Carmel  -  Monterey - Pinnacles N.P. - Sequoia  -  Kings Canyon N.P. - Yosemite N.P. - Mono Lake - Trona Pinnacles - Barstow - Mojave Desert - Las Vegas



MaxMontella [2012] - The Grand Circle... Max OFF The Road 2012 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Parashant - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Escalante - Mexican Hat - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Flagstaff - Sedona - Route66 - Death Valley - Las Vegas 



micuzz [2013] - Michy&Lory 1° On The Road! CA-AZ-UT-NV Agosto 2013 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Joshua Tree NP - Kingman - Winslow - Grand Canyon NP - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Green River - Bryce Canyon NP - Zion NP - Las Vegas - Death Valley NP - Yosemite NP - Santa Cruz - San Francisco



mirko73 [2016]  Backpacking Grand Canyon - Ottobre 2016 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles/Big Sur/Route 66 / Grand Canyon/ Mojave Desert/ Los Angeles



mirko73 [2017] : I Saw You Before - Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, NM, Colorado (Ottobre 2017)  Red.png
SOUTHWEST: Denver - Colorado Springs - Garden of the Gods - Great Sand Dunes - Taos - Santa Fe - Los Alamos - Bandelier NM – Albuquerque - Alamogordo  - Grants -  Mesa Verde – Durango  - Colorado NM - Avon



misterb3 [2019] - Gruppone a spasso nel West Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Carmel - Lee Vining - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Twentynine Palms - San Diego - Los Angeles


Modena1967 [2014] - Aprile 2014: Alone in the SouthWest Red.png
SOUTHWEST: Bologna - Francoforte - Washington - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon (South Kaibab-Cottonwood-Bright Angel) alert.png

molarifabio [2011] - Diario 2011: CA - NV - UT - AZ ..... USA on the road !!! Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Yosemite - Death Valley - Bryce - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - San Francisco - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



Monica405 [2018] - Parchi Rossi. Te la do io la crisi del 7° (anno) OTR! Green.png 

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Capitol Reef - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Las Vegas - Redondo Beach



Monica405 [2011] - Diario 2011: Honeymoon 2011 - OTR CA, NV, AZ Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Visalia - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Phoenix - San Diego - Los Angeles 



morganasogna [2011] - Manu's Diary: California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah-Maggio 2011 Green.pngpdf.png West 4
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles



mouette & pandathegreat [2016] Agosto 2016: Biscotti a bordo rim (Pandagiro 2016)  Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Zion - Grand Canyon North Rim - Page - Canyon de Chelly - Durango - Silverton - Ouray - Montrose - Moab - Capitol Reef - Kanab - Las Vegas


mouette & pandathegreat [2015] Agosto 2015: Leave nothing but footprints, keep nothing but memories (Panda&Mou OTR)  Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Sequoia NP - Yosemite - Mono Lake - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles

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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






nabo [2012]  - Diario 2012: Red or Green: New Mexico and Southwest Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Springdale - Kanab - The Wave - Escalante - Goblin Valley - Monument Valley - Santa Fe - Alamogordo - Socorro - Zuni Pueblo - Chinle - Holbrook - Flagstaff - Las Vegas


SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Page - Monument - Canyon de Chelly - Las Vegas - Lee Vining - Monterey - San Francisco


Nebu [2015] -  California: Coast and Parks 2015 - all the family!  Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Monterey - Paso Robles - Three Rivers - Yosemite - Bridgeport -  Reno - Lassen NP - Sacramento - Oakland - SFO


Nefertiti85 [2011] - Il nostro primo on the road (5-25 agosto 2011) Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Monterey - San Francisco - Yosemite - Las Vegas - Springdale - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles


nyx000 [2011] - USA 2011, IL NOSTRO FAR WEST Green.png pdf.pngWest 4
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Hurricane - Page - Tropic - Hurricane - Moab - Mexican Hat - Sedona - Montezuma Castle - Tucson - Yucca Valley - San Diego



pacstealer [2013]- Tv Show, abbuffate, shopping e bella vita - Settembre 2013 Red.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Oakhurst - Bridgeport - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Los Angeles 



pandathegreat & mouette [2016] Agosto 2016: Biscotti a bordo rim (Pandagiro 2016)  Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Zion - Grand Canyon North Rim - Page - Canyon de Chelly - Durango - Silverton - Ouray - Montrose - Moab - Capitol Reef - Kanab - Las Vegas


pandathegreat & mouette [2015] Agosto 2015: Leave nothing but footprints, keep nothing but memories (Panda&Mou OTR)  Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Sequoia NP - Yosemite - Mono Lake - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles



pandathegreat [2013]- Agosto 2013: Ombre Mosse Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Arches - Capitol Reef - Goblin Valley - Bryce - Route 66 - Oatman - Seligman 



pandathegreat [2013]- Gennaio 2013: Una lunga strada da fare Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Ajo - Organ Pipe - Tucson - Alamogordo - Santa Fe - Route 66 - Winslow - Kingman - Oatman - Joshua Tree 



Patrizia Poli [2016]- Aprile 2016: Un inaspettato ritorno  Red.png

SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Tucson - Saguaro - Chiricahua - Alamogordo - White Sands - Albuquerque - White Rock - Bandelier - Moab - Goblin Valley - Little Whitehorse Canyon - Mexican Hat - Monument Valley - Kanab - Page - Sedona



pegasus [2012]- Grand Canyon con l'Amtrak Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Diego - Grand Canyon - San Diego




newred.pngPicard [2022]- West 2022, da Las Vegas a Los Angeles, nonostante tutto e tutti Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Death Valley - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Cortez - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles



polly77 [2015]- Maggio 2015: Las Vegas - Santa Fe with parents Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Valley of Fire - Bryce Canyon - Cottonwood road - Page (Horseshoe bend) - Page (Antelope Canyon) - Grand  Canyon - Monument Valley - Mexican Hat - Durango - Tent Rocks - Santa Fe



Pomodorina [2011]- Agosto 2011: California-Arizona-Utah-Nevada 2011 Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Los Angeles - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Tuba City - Monument Valley - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - Laguna Seca - San Francisco

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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






Reily [2015]Agosto 2015 - primo on the road parchi dell'ovest Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Moab - Cortez - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles - Monterey -  San Francisco


Riccardospeedy [2019]Wild West 2019: 1.527 miles driving, 88 miles hiking, 1.615 miles smiling Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Valley of Fire -  Grand Canyon - Mexican Hat - Torrey - Bryce - Zion


room65 [2015] Agosto 2015: Barefoot in the Park(s) - Diario Minimo Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bridgeport - Death valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Page -Bryce Canyon - Torrey - Mexican Hat - Moab - Denver



s-euphoria77 [2012] - Diario 2012: USA EUPHORICA Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bodie - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Kingman - San Diego


Saretta83 [2015] - Diario 2015: Il nostro primo USA on the road giugno 2015 - il sogno si avvera! California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona Green.png 
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Lee Vining - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Capitol Reef - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Sedona - Grand Canyon - San Diego - Los Angeles - Solvang -  Salinas - San Francisco

Sevalerio [2012] - Diario 2012: SouthWest2012 Wherever we may roam... Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Bridgeport - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Hatch - Bryce Canyon - Hanksville - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Los Angeles
shanty82 [2015]Gennaio 2015 - Wild West Winter gennaio/febbraio 2015 Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Phoenix - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Las Vegas - San Francisco



simobiancoblu [2010] - Diario 2010: Alla conquista del sogno: SOUTH WEST 2010 Green.pngpdf.pngWest 2
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco - Morro Bay - Los Angeles


Snake [2012] - Snakes slither across the West in 2012 (diario) Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Monterey - Oakhurst - Bridgeport - Stovepipe Wells - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon City - Moab - Mexican Hat - Page - Williams - Las Vegas - San Diego - Kettleman City - San Bruno - SFO



swattino [2012] - Giulia&Fabio ON THE ROAD 2012:Nevada,Utah,Arizona,California Red.png
SOUTHWEST:  Las Vegas - Zion NP - Bryce Canyon - Torrey - Moab - Mexican Hat - Page - Grand canyon NP - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Lee Vining - Yosemite - San Francisco - Morro Bay - Los Angeles


sweetysy [2009] - California Settembre 2009 Green.pngcamera.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles



Tado [2014]- Marzo 2014: Brevissimo resoconto di Tanta Roba Green.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Morro Bay - Santa Monica - San Diego - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument - Page - Bryce - Las Vegas

Talisker [2011] - Diario 2011: Verso la California e …oltre!!Talisker’s II Honeymoon 2 Green.png
SOUTHWEST:  San Francisco - Monterey - Lompoc - Los Angeles - San Diego - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon South & East Rim - Page - Grand Canyon North Rim - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco 



tgiroelios [2011] Diario 2011: 5 giorni Las Vegas/Parchi Southwest Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Cameron - Monument Valley - Tropic - Las Vegas



Titos [2010]- Diario 2010: Da Phoenix a Phoenix in 3626mi Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Tombstone - Deming - Alamogordo - Albuquerque - Gallup - Holbrook - Williams - Page - Las Vegas - Ridgecrest - Yuma - Phoenix


tod315 [2016]: Grand Canyon (e altre cose) - Arizona, Maggio 2016 Red.png

SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Holbrook - Page - Grand Canyon  Rim To Rim - Kanab - Jacob Lake - Zion NP - Las Vegas - Flagstaff - Sedona - Ajo - Tucson



tod315 [2014]- Utah Giugno 2014 aka Progetto Rattle Rattle Snake Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Zion - Panguitch - Escalante - Torrey - Green River - San Rafael Swell  - Moab - Arches - Canyonlands Needles District - Monument Valley - Las Vegas


Tommaso85 [2015] Ci & Ci alla conquista del West! Red.png
SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Morro Bay - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Route66 - Kingman - San Diego - Los Angeles

trustever [2013] Diario 2013: If you ride like lightning you will crash like thunder Green.png
SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Page - Las Vegas - Mammoths Lakes - El Portal - San Francisco

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(itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO E UTAH)






Vale23 [2019] - Sì ma fallo un trail ogni tanto! Biondi OTR, Grand Circle 2019 Green.png

SOUTHWESTLas Vegas - Grand Canyon North Rim - Kanab - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Arches - Canyonlands - Capitol Reef - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas



valebiz [2013] Maggio 2013 - 2uotr-LAX-MOAB e ritorno_in the RED LANDS!! Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Zion - Torrey - Moab - Mexican Hat - Holbrook - Kingman - Palm Springs - Los Angeles 



valebiz [2012] - Diario 2012: Honeymoon-west usa!!! 2012 Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Route 66 - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Kanab - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Morro Bay - Monterey - San Francisco 



valentina79 [2011] Diario 2011: South West 2011 di Vale & Roby Green.pngpdf.png West 3

SOUTHWEST: Phoenix - Tucson - Almogordo - Santa Fe - Great Sand Dunes - Durango - Canyon De Chelly - Holbrook - Route 66 - Flagstaff - Kanab - Cedar City - Zion - Las Vegas



valentina79 [2008] - Diario 2008: South West America 2008 - Tasting Freedom Green.pngpdf.png West 1

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Sequoia - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles




newred.pngValeocchi [2024] - Marzo 2024: Il viaggio più bello della mia vita Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Palm Springs - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



wally206 [2018]- SUMMER 2018: BACK TO THE WEST! Red.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Newport Beach - Laguna Beach - Oceanside - San Diego - Tucson - Tombstone - Scottsdale - Sedona - Page - Bryce Canyon - Zion National Park - Valley of Fire - Las Vegas  - Los Angeles



wolentini [2016] - Diario 2016: Finally I Parchi!!! I grandi classici 2016 Red.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles



wolentini [2014]Settembre 2014: In Love With The Golden State...newly Diario.... Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Big sur - Santa Maria - Santa Barbara - Los Angeles - San Diego - Las Vegas



yalen86 [2011] Agosto 2011 - South West USA 2011: Da LA a Phoenix di Yalen86 e Danielle Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Morro Bay - San Francisco - Yosemite NP - Bodie - Lone Pine - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Valley of Gods - Monument Valley - Mexican Hat - Grand Canyon - Sedona - Apache Trail - Phoenix



yasmina73 [2013] - Diario 2013: Il nostro Grand Circle (LV + Utah + Arizona), agosto 2013 Green.png

SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Torrey - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Sedona - Las Vegas



yesterday1973 [2007] Diario 2007: Real America 2007 : CO-UT-AZ-NM-NV Green.png

SOUTHWESTLongmont - Blanding - Mexican Hat - Grand Canyon - Albuquerque - Santa Fe - Albuquerque - Las Vegas - Longmont



zeus1999 [2012] -  Agosto 2012 - West USA 2012: Is love at first sight  Green.png

SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Meteor Crater - Los Angeles


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SOUTHWEST and more

(itinerari attraverso il SW combinati con una città, una meta, uno stato o un paese al di fuori del SW)






19micky79 [2013] - Ottobre 2013 - racconto atipico - NY + West + California Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles - Santa Barbara - Solvang - Big Sur - Carmel - San Francisco


aceventuras [2012] Diario 2012: Our big family on the road! NY-Parchi Ovest-Yellowstone  Green.png
SOUTHWEST + YELLOWSTONE + NEW YORK: New York - Las Vegas - Kanab - Grand Canyon North Rim - Page - Bryce Canyon - Torrey - Moab - Mesa Verde - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Jackson - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Las Vegas



al3cs [2010]Las Vegas - California - Hawai’i - Gennaio 2010 Green.pngpdf.png East/West, Hawai'i & Alaska 1
SOUTHWEST + HAWAII: Las Vegas - San Diego - Los Angeles - Honolulu - Big Island - Maui - Kauai - San Francisco


alessipe [2013] Agosto 2013 - CODENAME OTR 2013 , NY & West Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - San Francisco - Yosemite - Bridgeport - Death Valley - St George - Page - Monument Valley - Holbrook - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Los Angeles - Pacific Grove - San Francisco


ALI868 [2011] Ny+West coast 2011! Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - San Francisco - Big Sur - Carpinteria - Los Angeles - Barstow - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Monticello - Moab - Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas - Lone Pine - Sequoia NP - Gilroy - Woodside - San Francisco


andreinovoice [2011] Diario Andreino & Antonella Weast Coast Genn / 2011 Green.png
SOUTHWEST + ORLANDO: San Francisco - Morro Bay - Los Angeles -  Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Phoenix - Orlando



Arizona 71 [2010] Diario 2010: Don't mess with Texas Green.png
SOUTHWEST + TEXASLas Vegas - Winslow - Socorro -  Albuquerque -  Santa Fe - Forth Worth - Dallas - White Sands - Sonora Desert - Tucson



Bnx [2013] - SOUTH WEST 2013 – MY FIRST USA ON THE ROAD Green.png

SOUTHWEST + US VIRGIN ISLANDSLos Angeles - Sequoia NP - Yosemite NP - Lone Pine - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion NP - Bryce Canyon NP - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon NP - Las Vegas - US Virgin Islands



Cristina76  [2009] - Diario 2009: Viaggio di Nozze - USA Ovest + Toronto (Canada) Green.png
SOUTHWEST TORONTO: Toronto - San Francisco - Yosemite - Visalia - Bakersfield - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Lake Powell - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Los Angeles



Dav6nago [2012] - Taty & Dav Honeymoon - West 2012 Green.png

SOUTHWEST + POLINESIASan Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Page - Tropic - Moab - Mesa Verde - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon -  Peach Springs - Los Angeles - Papeete - Moorea - Bora Bora - Rangiroa - LAX



ery85 [2015] - Erika & Matteo nel West: tra sole e luna (di miele) [september 2015] Green.png 
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORKNew York - San Francisco - Big Sur - San Luis Obispo - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Kingman - San Diego - Los Angeles



ester728 [2015] Maggio 2015: New York + West Coast .... "I Ciuccagli on the Road" Green.png

SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - San Francisco - Yosemite - June Lake - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Capitol Reef - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Joshua Tree - San Diego - Los Angeles



Frafrà [2012] - Agosto 2012: Finalmente West! Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: Los Angeles - Anaheim - Morro Bay - San Francisco - Yosemite NP - Lee Vining - Death Valley - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - New York



FrancescaB [2013] - A spasso nel West e un pizzico di NY con bimbe...giu 2013 Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST + YELLOWSTONE + NEW YORK: Phoenix - Flagstaff - Tuba City - Bluff - Page - Las Vegas - Cannonville - Moab - Evanston - Jackson - Yellowstone - Cooke City - Thermopolis - Estes Park - Denver - New York



gdankg [2010] Diario 2010: Il nostro viaggio USA on The Road + New York Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Page - Monument - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles - New York



giuliaf81 [2010]- American Honeymoon 2010-NY California,Nevada, Utah, Arizona Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORKNew York - San Francisco - Yosemite - Mammoth Lakes - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Bryce - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon - Laughlin - Los Angeles



iaiola [2015] - Settembre 2015 - Honeymoon on the road Red.png

SOUTHWEST + NEW YORKSan Francisco - Yosemite NP - Lee Vining - Death Valley NP - Las Vegas - Zion NP - Bryce Canyon NP - Page - Monument Valley -  Grand Canyon NP -  Kingman -  Los Angeles - New York



ieio14 [2014] USA 2014: ALL IN! Hawaii e Utah: Lilo&Stitch in luna di miele! - IL DIARIO Red.png 

SOUTHWEST + HAWAII: LAX - Maui (Kula) - Maui (Lahaina) - Big Island (Hilo) - Big Island (Kona) - Kauai (Kapaa) - O’ahu (Waikiki) - Los Angeles - St. George - Zion - Kanab - Escalante - Torrey - Moab - Mexican Hat - Kingman - Las Vegas - Los Angeles


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SOUTHWEST and more

(itinerari attraverso il SW combinati con una città, una meta, uno stato o un paese al di fuori del SW)







juri87mi [2011] - Gennaio 2011 - West Coast & surprise! Minidiario di Juri & r Red.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: San Francisco - Phoenix - Sedona - Las Vegas - Los Angeles - New York
justonething [2015] Just a diary - West on the road + NY Red.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: San Francisco - Sequoia - Kings Canyon - Las Vegas - Los Angeles - Bryce - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - New York



kurtdc83 [2012] - Diario 2012: Alone in the west, passando per Boston: il diario! Green.png

SOUTHWEST + BOSTON : Boston - San Diego - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco


legione78 [2010] - Diario 2010: NY - Frisco e Parchi dell'Ovest : Legione's Honeymoon!! Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Los Angeles



malvyn [2013] Giugno 2013: On the Road in camper. 3 settimane nel west Green.png 
SOUTHWEST + YELLOWSTONE: Los Angeles - Anaheim - Calico Ghost Town - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Moab - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Elko - Bodie - Yosemite - Sequoia - Los Angeles 



Massimo Polimeni [2009] On the Road attraverso California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada e Texas!  Green.png
SOUTHWEST + TEXAS: San Francisco - Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Zion - San Antonio - Dallas



nabo [2014] - Unusual West 2014  Red.png
SOUTHWEST + YELLOWSTONE + OREGON: Denver - Castle Rock - Alamosa - Taos - Cuba - Montrose - Richfield - Rachel - Fallon - Lakeview - Bend - Burns - Winnemucca - Logan - Jackson - Yellowstone - Thermopolis - Denver



nabo [2010]  - Diario 2010: West Coast insolita, aka 7400km e 8 stati Green.png
SOUTHWEST + YELLOWSTONESan Francisco - Crescent City - Burns - Idaho Falls - Yellowstone - Price - Moab - Monticello - Escalante - Jacob Lake - Zion - Las Vegas - Lone Pine - Oakdale - San Francisco



nyx000 [2013] - USA 2013 - WILD WILD WEST! Green.png
SOUTHWEST + TEXAS: Denver - Fruita - Moab - Blanding - Monument Valley - Farmington - Chinle -  Grand Canyon - Sedona - Tucson - Willcox - Las Cruces - Fort Stockton - Dallas - Wichita Falls - Amarillo - Walsenburg - Denver



pandathegreat [2008] - New York, California e Las Vegas, agosto - settembre 2008 Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - Los Angeles - San Francisco - Yosemite - Death Valley - Las Vegas


papinist [2014] Diario 2014: New York & SouthWest - Luoghi indimenticabili, amici dimenticabili! Red.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - San Francisco - San Luis Obispo - Culver City - Hollywood - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Bryce - Zion - Las Vegas



patatrotty_79 [2010]- Fresh of the Boat: Sprovveduti on the Road (NY+West 2010) Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: New York - San Francisco -  Los Angeles - Visalia - Lake Isabella - Las Vegas - Hatch - Moab - Tuba City - Kingman - Los Angeles



SeleneT [2015] - Ottobre 2015: Faine OTR! Destination: Yellowstone Red.png
SOUTHWEST + YELLOWSTONE: San Francisco - Oakdale - Fresno - Tulare - Death Valley NP - Las Vegas - Zion NP - Bryce Canyon NP - Page - Grand Canyon NP - Monument Valley -Moab - Yellowstone NP - Salt Lake City - San Francisco



shagrat943 [2012] - Diario 2012: California e New York con bimba di 21 mesi Green.png Bob.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORKLos Angeles - Santa Barbara - Monterey - Fresno - Yosemite - San Francisco - New York 



simmy_78 [2011] - WEST USA 2011: diario di viaggio e consigli utili Green.png
SOUTHWEST + YELLOWSTONELos Angeles - San Bruno - Squaw Valley -  Visalia - Mammoth Lakes - Beatty - Las Vegas - Hurricane  - Springdale - Tropic - Torrey - Moab - West Yellowstone - Jackson Hole - Green River  - Cortez - Monument Valley - Page - Williams - Seligman -  Los Angeles



ste2479 [2008] - New York, Grandi Parchi, California (agosto 2008) Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORKNew York - Las Vegas - Zion - Bryce Canyon - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Phoenix - San Diego - Los Angeles - San Francisco 



sweetysy [2012] - Las Vegas, Parks & New York - ottobre 2012 Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORK: Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Moab - Monument Valley Page - Grand Canyon - Meteor Crater - Seligman - Las Vegas - New York



TaTac [2010] - NY e parchi dell'Ovest 2010 in 17 giorni Green.png
SOUTHWEST + NEW YORKNew York - Phoenix - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Moab - Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Ridgecrest - Los Angeles



valeos [2012] Diario 2012: L’estate a gennaio: American Honeymoon Green.png

SOUTHWEST + CABO SAN LUCAS: San Francisco - Morro Bay - Los Angeles - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Kingman - Route 66 - San Diego - Cabo San Lucas

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REAL AMERICA (+ SW) and more

(Itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra WYOMING, MONTANA, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, IDAHO, + SW e/o qualche deviazione)








acfraine  [2008]- Real America 2008: ho visto l'orso e ho le prove!!!!! Green.png pdf.pngWest 1
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Custer - Wind Cave - Mt. Rushmore - Badlands - Devil’s Tower - Cody - Jackson - Grand Teton - Vernal - Colorado N.M. - Black Canyon N.P. - Grand Lake - Rocky Mountain N.P. - Denver



acredaro  [2013]- Diario 2013: SFO-DEN... in mezzo la natura Red.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Mariposa - Reno - Twin Falls - Jackson - Big Sky - West Yellowstone - Cody - Spearfish - Interior - Custer - Estes Park -  Denver


al3cs [2014]Settembre 2014 - There and back again: from Vegas to Yellowstone Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Great Basin - Salt Lake City - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Cody - Sundance - Black Hills - Badlands - Boulder - Great Sand Dunes - Black Canyon of the Gunnison - Moab - Kanab - Las Vegas



alessipe [2015]- Codename OTR 2015 - Real + Las Vegas  Green.png  
REAL + SOUTHWESTLas Vegas - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Cody - Sundance - Black Hills - Badlands - Boulder - Great Sand Dunes - Black Canyon of the Gunnison - Moab - Kanab - Las Vegas



ante44 [2011] - Diario 2011: Il nostro viaggio nei parchi ovest usa Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST + ROUTE 66Chicago - Rapid City - Custer - Mt. Rushmore - Devil’s Tower - Cody - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Logan - Bryce - Zion - Moab - Mesa Verde - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Sedona - Santa Fe - Tulsa - Springfield - Chicago


arouge75 [2012]- Diario 2012: Earth | Air | Water | Fire, ovvero Yellowstone….e non solo… Red.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Hot Spring - Hulett - Cody - Yellowstone - Jackson Hole - Grand Junction - Denver



bacale [2011]- Diario 2011: Da Yellowstone a San Francisco un assaggio del grande west Green.png pdf.pngWest 3

REAL + SOUTHWESTSalt Lake City - Yellowstone - Jackson Hole - Moab - Capitol Reef - Bryce - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite - San Francisco



betty boop [2012] - Diario 2012: I Boop alla scoperta della Real America...e non solo!Diario Red.png

REAL + SOUTHWESTLas Vegas - Jackson Hole - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Cody - Black Hills - Badlands - Moab - Page - Las Vegas



bianco31 [2017] - Chicago + Real America = family trip 2017  Green.png

REAL + CHICAGOChicago - Austin - Interior - Keystone - Buffalo - Cody - Yellowstone - Jackson - Salt Lake City



BOSH [2012] - Diario 2012: …”Now let me welcome everybody to the wild, wild west”... Green.png

REAL + SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - San Diego - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Escalante - Moab - Yellowstone - Las Vegas


ceemo [2012] - Diario 2012: Into the West- Alias 2 spaesati viaggiatori nella Real Red.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Afton - Yellowstone - Cody - Devil’s Tower - Mt. Rushmore - Badlands - Cheyenne - Rocky Mountain N.P: - Moab - Torrey - Kanab - Las Vegas



dariuz [2014] - West2014 - Welcome (back) to the Wild Wild(life) West Red.png

REAL + SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Salt Lake City - Jackson (WY) - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Salt Lake City - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Kanab - Zion - Las Vegas



dariuz [2012] - Diario 2012: Folks, Have a safe trip! Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Black Canyon - Colorado N.M. - Arches - Canyonlands - Monument Valley - Page - Kanab - Valley of Fire - Las Vegas - Bryce Canyon - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Cody - Devil's Tower - Badlands - Hot Springs - Denver


Elenina23 [2014]- Real America 2014 - Ele&Ale drunk on a plane Red.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST:  Longmont - Scottsbluff - Interior - Rapid City - Sundance - Cody - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Jackson - Ogden - Kanab - Page - Chinle - Cortez - Moab - Montrose - Alamosa - Denver



Fabio [2012] - FOTODIARIO - Real America 2012 ..but not too real Green.png camera.png




ferdero [2009] - Real America 2009 Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Longmont - Estes Park - Custer - Interior - Sundance - Cody - Yellowstone - Jackson - Twin Falls - Reno - Lake Tahoe - San Francisco



Frafrà [2014] - Agosto 2014: Real Happy Family....nella Real America e molto altro! Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver(Aurora) - Salida - Grand Junction - Moab - Torrey - St George - Las Vegas - Lehi - Idaho Falls - Yellowstone - Cody - Devils Tower - Sundance - Badlands - Lusk - Loveland - Denver



fraxnico [2014] - Ci facciamo un SELFIE?! (Real+West2014) Red.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTLas Vegas - St. George - Salt Lake City - Jackson - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Salt Lake City - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Kanab - Springdale - Las Vegas

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REAL AMERICA (+ SW) and more

(Itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra WYOMING, MONTANA, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, IDAHO, + SW e/o qualche deviazione)






geppo32 [2013] -  In viaggio con Sam... Real America 2013 Red.pngBob.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Montrose - Moab - Salt Lake City - Jackson Hole - Yellowstone - Cody - Sheridan - Keystone - Interior - Scottsbluff - Denver



Gianluca80 [2012] - Diario 2012: I Beerbanti attraverso la Real America Red.png
REAL  + SOUTHWEST + MIDWESTChicago - Albert Lea - Badlands NP - Mt. Rushmore - Cody - Yellowstone NP - Grand Teton NP - Salt Lake City - Valley of Fire - Las Vegas



Giovanna86 [2018] -  A caccia dell'orso con Giò & Peruz....Real America e non solo!! Green.png 

REAL + SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - St George - Jackson - Yellowstone - Cody - Sheridan - Rushmore - Badlands - Estes Park - Mount Evans - Idaho Springs - Aspen - Moab - Zion - Grand Canyon North Rim - Valley of Fire - Las Vegas


giovanni1000 [2010] - From Denver to Vegas (Aug 2010) Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Cheyenne - Keystone - Badlands - Cody - Yellowstone - Jackson - Moab - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Page - Bryce - Las Vegas

giulia 79 [2011] - Real America 2011: old west Green.pngpdf.pngWest 4
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Cheyenne - Custer - Interior - Sundance - Cody - Yellowstone -  Jackson - Capitol reef -  Moab - Denver



il gipeto [2014] Yellowstone & Southwest '14 Honey Moon…con The Wave! Green.png 

REAL + SOUTHWEST: Salt Lake City - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Moab - Chinle - Monument Valley - Page - Grand Canyon North Rim - Zion - Las Vegas - Los Angeles



 newred.png iomete [2023] Finalmente....l'Ovest, i parchi rossi e la old America.... Green.png 

REAL + SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Elko - Twin Falls - Yellowstone - Keystone - Colorado Spring - Moab - Monument Valley - Kanab - Page - Bryce - Williams - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - San Diego - Los Angeles 



 newred.png issa1990 [2022] Real America 2022: una volta erano cowboys ora sono bikers Green.png 

REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Keystone - Badlands - Deadwood - Sheridan -  Cody - Yellowstone - Jackson - Salt Lake City - Moab - Monument Valley - Denver



jarod [2013] - Real America 2013 – The Truman Show Green.png Bob.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Pinedale - West Yellowstone - Yellowstone - Cody - Sundance - Interior - Loveland - Grand Junction - Moab - Montrose - Colorado Springs - Denver 



Kate1984 [2014] Settembre 2014: MY OREGON WITH YELLOWSTONE Green.png Bob.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST + OREGON: San Francisco - Ukiah - Eureka - Medford - Coos Bay - Newport - Lincoln City - Rockaway Beach - Portland - Pendleton - Twin Falls, ID - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Driggs - Salt Lake City - Las Vegas - Anaheim - San Diego - LAX



lasolzina[2017] OTR 2017: loop su Denver Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Longmont - Custer - Wall - Gillette - Sheridan - big horn canyon - Cody - Yellowstone - Driggs - Salt Lake City - Las Vegas - Page - Cortez - Colorado Springs - Denver 



Lauretta83 - [2019] Crazy Vegas loop Real America 2019 Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Evanston - Jackson - Yellowstone - Cody - Sheridan -Deadwood - Keystone - Badlands - Scottsbluff - Estes Park -Rocky Mountains - Idaho Springs - Moab - Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas



Lizzina - [2016] Luglio 2016 - Dai santi degli ultimi giorni alla città del peccato, per finire in paradiso! Yellowstone, Utah e Polinesia per la nostra honeymoon on the road (e on the beach)  Green.png

REAL + SOUTHWEST + POLINESIASalt Lake City - Yellowstone NP - Grand Teton NP - Jackson -  Moab -  Page - Las Vegas - Los Angeles - Moorea - Bora Bora - Papeete - Los Angeles



loveWESTCOAST[2013] [USA 2013] LILO&STITCH a spasso nel West Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Fruita - Moab - Torrey - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Mammoth Lakes - Yosemite - Gilroy - San Francisco - South Lake Tahoe - Wendover - Bonneville - Salt Lake City - Jackson - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Cody - Devil’s Tower - Rapid City - Denver



luisa53 [2011] - Real America 2011: da Chicago a Salt Lake City Green.png
REAL + MIDWEST: Chicago - Onalaska - Oacoma -  Rapid City - Sheridan - Cody - Yellowstone - Jackson - Salt Lake City



luminelli - [2014] Real con aggiunta (L.V.) Tra Montagne e deserti 2014 Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Estes Park - Cheyenne - Wall - Keystone - Rapid city - Buffalo - Cody - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Salt Lake City - Las Vegas - Kanab - Page - Moab - Silverthorne - Denver

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REAL AMERICA (+ SW) and more

(Itinerari attraverso due o più stati tra WYOMING, MONTANA, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, IDAHO, + SW e/o qualche deviazione)






MagicJ69 [2013] - Wonderful REAL & WEST 2013: da Denver a Las Vegas Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Wall - Lead - Cody - Yellowstone - Thayne - Moab - Mexican Hat - Monument Valley - Tusayan - Page - Tropic - Springdale - Overton - Death Valley - Las Vegas


Manu62 [2011] - Dal South Dakota al New Mexico...passando per Yellowstone! Green.pngpdf.png West 4
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Cheyenne - Custer - Mt. Rushmore - Devils Tower - Cody - Yellowstone - Idaho Falls - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Santa Fe - Great Sand Dunes - Denver

marcosnow [2016] - Diario 2016: Là dove la vastità - Real America in 5   Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Cheyenne - Keystone - Badlands N.P. - Gillette - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Salt Lake City - Las Vegas



marcoz71 [2012] - West&Real 2012: da LA a SF con tanta roba in mezzo (diario) Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Los Angeles - Route 66 - Kingman - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Mesa Verde - Durango - Moab - Canyonlands - Arches - Colorado NM - Rocky Mountain NP - Badlands - Crazy Horse NM - Custer - Mount Rushmore - Devil’s Tower - Sundance - Bighorn Canyon - Cody - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Salt Lake City - Capitol Reef - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Bodie - Yosemite - San Francisco



Marty74 [2019] - From Las Vegas to Yellowstone 2019 Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Las Vegas - Capitol Reef - Moab -Jackson - Yellowstone - Evanston - Valley of fire - Las Vegas



Matteo84 [2016] - Erika & Matteo tra Real America, Moab e Las Vegas: perché a noi le miglia non spaventano!!! [August 2016] Red.png 
REAL + SOUTHWESTLas Vegas - Evanston - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Sheridan- Keystone - Interior - Boulder - Moab - Escalante - Las Vegas



monybg75 [2014] - Agosto 2014 - Da Yellowstone alla California...un sogno on the road Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Salt Lake City - Yellowstone - Jackson Hole - Odgen - Moab - Torrey - Bryce - Page - Monument Valley - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - San Diego - Los Angeles

MussUsa [2010] - Diario 2010: Yellowstone,Grand Teton,Glacier e altro… Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST:  Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Page - Mexican Hat - Moab - Salt Lake City - Grand Teton - West Yellowstone - West Glacier - Conrad - Yellowstone - Salt Lake City - Tropic - Las Vegas



NefeLIN84 [2017]  - Diario 2017: L'America dei contrasti: dal Powwow al Rodeo, città di frontiera e natura selvaggia! La nostra Real America. Green.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Chadron - Pine Ridge - Interior - Keystone - Black Hills - Devils Tower - Gillette - Cody - Yellowstone - Idaho Falls - Salt Lake City - Moab - Vail


nicosoul [2013]- 4 passi intorno a Denver...7200 km! (video-diario 2013) Green.png camera.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTDenver - Colorado Springs - Santa Fe - Alamogordo - Albuquerque - Holbrook - Grand Canyon - Kanab - Cedar City - Salt lake city - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Cody - Hulett - Wall - Rapid City - Firestone - Denver



PAVLOV2691 [2012]- Pavlov e famiglia tra West e Yellowstone, estate 2012 Green.png

REAL + SOUTHWEST: San Francisco - Yosemite - Mammoth Lakes - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page - Tropic - Torrey - Moab - Evanston - Jackson Hole - Yellowstone - Winnemucca - San Francisco



Peroni81 [2015]- Diario 2015 - 5518 Km nel West che sognavo Green.png

REAL + SOUTHWESTKalispell - West Glacier - St. Mary - Many Glacier - Ennis - Yellowstone NP - Jackson - Salt Lake City - Moab - Mexican Hat - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - San Diego - Los Angeles



Pomodorina [2013]- Agosto 2013: ...Yellowstone I love You Green.png

REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Cheyenne - Keystone - Wall - Gillette -  Cody -  Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Moab - Torrey - Bryce Canyon - Page - Las Vegas



riky_mony [2013] Diario 2013: Dance with Bears: a Real American journey Red.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Cheyenne - Badlands NP - Keystone - Devils Tower - Bighorn Canyon - Cody - Grand Teton NP - Yellowstone NP - Glacier -  Idaho Falls - Twin Falls - Salt Lake City - Provo - Moab - Montrose - Denver



seemoon [2014] - Agosto 2014 - Giulia goes to Yellowstone Green.png Bob.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST: Denver - Custer - Interior - Devils Tower - Cody - Yellowstone - Evanston - Moab - Grand Junction - Denver

simobiancoblu [2011] - Saimon, Fedora e Zakke The REAL on the road 2011 - fotodiario Green.pngcamera.pngpdf.png West 4
REAL + SOUTHWEST:  Denver - Custer  Interior - Cody - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Salt Lake City - Moab - Monument Valley - Canyon de Chelly - Four Corners - Mesa Verde - Great Sand Dunes - Denver

Snake [2014] - Snake strikes back! (Diario 2014) Red.png
REAL + SOUTHWESTLongmont - Custer - Interior  - Hulett - Sheridan - Cody - Yellowstone - Jackson - Salt Lake City - Hurricane - Kanab - Cannonville - Escalante - Torrey - Moab - Granby  - Estes Park



sweetysy [2014] - Settembre 2014: Da Chicago a Salt Lake City Green.png 
REAL + MIDWEST: Chicago - Galena - Worthington - Badlands - Custer State Park - Devils Tower - Cody - Yellowstone - Grand Teton - Salt Lake City



targheauto [2012] - Diario 2012: Alla Conquista del West con la targheauto family Green.png Bob.png
REAL + MIDWEST: Chicago - Sioux Falls - Interior - Keystone - Buffalo - Yellowstone - Columbus - Medora - Bismark - Battle Lake - Minneapolis



Titos [2013] - Diario 2013: From Chicago to Las vegas (Titos family) - IL DIARIO - Green.png Bob.png
REAL + SOUTHWEST + CHICAGO: Chicago - Yellowstone NP - Cody - Devils Tower - Badlands - Westminster - Montrose - Moab - Torrey - Bryce canyon - Las Vegas



Vale23 [2017] - Kick the dust up: Real + Midwest Biondi OTR 2017 Green.png

REAL + MIDWEST: Salt Lake City - Grand Teton - Yellowstone - Cody - Gillette - Keystone - Wall - Mitchell - Sioux Falls - La Crosse - Milwaukee - Tinley Park - Chicago



zimbabwe2 [2017]- Da Vegas a Cheyenne, molti sogni si sono avverati, in primis il viaggio Red.png

REAL + SOUTHWESTLas Vegas - Williams - Grand Canyon - Page - Monument Valley - Price - SLC - Jackson Hole - Yellowstone - Cody - Sheridan - Sundance - Palmer Gulch - Cheyenne - SLC

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