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Risposte pubblicato da flavioti

  1. Salve a tutti, ho ricevuto questa mail

    Ho capito male o hanno aperto una class action per rimborsare chi ha pagato pedaggi in quel tratto di strada?

    Io non ho più nulla, ne mail ne voucher del noleggio e da quello che ricordo, ho sempre affittato macchine col "telepass" integrato per pagare tutte le strade con pedaggio

    Dopo il 2015 ci sono andato altre volte negli Stati Uniti e ho sempre noleggiato tranquillamente, quindi non ho nessuna multa in sospeso spero ...

    voi che fareste? lascio perdere o provo a prendere qualche soldo? Non sembra ci sia nessun principe nigeriano dietro questa storia


    Legal Notice about a Toll Roads class action settlement -- click link to submit a claim
    Our Records Show That You Drove on the 73, 133, 241, and/or 261 Toll Roads in Southern California or Provided Information to the Operator of Those Toll Roads, and May Be Entitled to a Payment from a Class Action Settlement.

    A federal court has authorized this Notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

    Use your Unique ID Number ?????????????? to file an easy online claim here.

    Why am I receiving this Notice? You are receiving this Notice because the records of the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency and/or San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency (“TCA”) show that your “Personally Identifiable Information” (“PII”) may have been shared for purposes of toll or penalty collection, toll-road interoperability, or other reasons from April 13, 2015, to June 16, 2021. You are therefore likely a Class Member eligible to receive relief under a class action settlement (the “Settlement”) with TCA and BRiC (“Defendants”).

    What was the lawsuit about? In the settled lawsuit, Plaintiffs raised several claims, including that Defendants improperly collected and shared with third parties the PII of operators of motor vehicles that used the 73, 133, 241, and/or 261 Toll Roads in Orange County, California. Defendants denied all allegations. The Court has ruled for the Defendants on some of the allegations but has not decided who is right on the remaining allegations.

    What are the Settlement terms? TCA will create a Settlement Fund of $29 million, provide $135 million in toll road penalty forgiveness, and change certain practices. If you have outstanding penalties, you will receive automatic forgiveness of the lesser of your outstanding penalties and $57.50, and you might also receive additional penalty forgiveness. If you do not have outstanding penalties, you may receive a Cash Award. The amount of your Cash Award will depend on the total number of claims submitted, the costs of administration, and the amount the Court awards for attorneys’ fees and costs and service awards. The lawyers representing Class Members intend to request up to 33.33% of the value of the Settlement for attorneys’ fees, plus expenses, and for service awards of up to $15,000 from the Settlement for each Class Representative. The Detailed Notice explaining the terms of the Settlement is available here.

    What are my options? You have four options: First, using your Unique ID number shown at the top of this email, you can submit your claim online here at the Settlement Website, and seek benefits from the Settlement. Alternatively, you may download a paper Claim Form at the website and submit via regular mail. Second, you may do nothing, in which case you will not receive a cash award but may still receive penalty forgiveness, and your claims against Defendants will be released and you will be bound by the orders and judgments of the Court. Third, you may exclude yourself from the Settlement by mailing a signed letter to the Class Administrator, indicating that you wish to be excluded from the Settlement. If you exclude yourself, you will receive no penalty forgiveness or cash awards from the Settlement, but you will keep any claims you have against Defendants to the extent that they are not barred by applicable law and have not been resolved by the Court. Fourth, as long as you do not exclude yourself from the Settlement, you may object to the Settlement and indicate whether you plan to appear at the Fairness Hearing, which is scheduled to occur on January 4, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., via Zoom. You may appear at the hearing, either yourself or through an attorney hired by you, by calling 1-888-490-0922 (or visiting the FAQs on the Settlement Website) to request the Zoom link and/or telephone number for the hearing, but you don’t have to. Please notify the Settlement Administrator of any change in your contact information.

    What are the deadlines? The deadline for submitting a claim, excluding yourself, and objecting is 11:59 p.m. PT on November 8, 2021. The Detailed Notice available on the website explains how to exclude yourself or object.

    For more information, visit You may also call 1-888-490-0922.


    se provo ad aprire il sito per chiedere il rimborso mi chiede di scegliere tra 3 opzioni, e non so cosa siano

    Which Settlement(s) are you submitting a claim for cash payment? (Select all that apply)*

    3M Settlement

    OCTA Settlement

    TCA Settlement




  2. ciao vale grazie per la risposta!!

    in effetti tanto di quello che ho segnato l'ho preso da quei diari :D  però purtroppo molti sono vecchi o comunque è un giro diverso dal mio

    comunque sto continuando a leggere e cercare di fare tutto al meglio :)

  3. Ciao ragazzi buonasera a tutti, è il primo topic che apro ma vi leggo da un po' e mi siete sempre stati di grande aiuto per i miei viaggi negli USA


    Per la prossima Estate sto organizzando un viaggio ad Est partendo da Boston fino a Washington DC


    ho un totale di 21 notti divise tra Boston/Maine/Toronto/Filadelfia/Washington


    Sto trovando un po' di difficoltà ad organizzare le notti in Maine, poiché ho segnato molte cose da visitare ma vorrei aiuto per scremare e/o aggiungere tappe.


    Di seguito elenco:

    Cape Ann, York Village, Kennebunkport/Portland (Cape Elizabeth & co)/Old Orchard beach/Boothbay/New Harbor/ Rockland (marshall point, owls head state park, monhegan island)/ Rockport/ Camden Hills State Park/Belfast/Sears Island/Deer Isle (non sono convinto se andare a Isle Au Haut) e Acadia Park


    in totale tra Boston e il Canada ho 7 giorni (più una tappa intermedia penso nel Vermont per non fare tutta una tirata)


    Ho bloccato su booking un hotel a Portland ed uno a Camden  da cui mi sposterei per le tappe sopra citate

    purtroppo ho trovato dei prezzi assurdi nelle vicinanze di Acadia e Camden è quanto di più ragionevole per il mio budget


    Ho paura siano troppe cose da vedere e forse alcune troppo simili tra loro 

    Grazie anticipatamente!!!

  4. Ciao a tutti ,piacere Flavio

    E' dall'estate del 2014 che le mie vacanze estive si svolgono negli USA.

    Mi sono iscritto su questo forum perché sto organizzando il mio viaggio tra parchi e Canyon da Denver a Las Vegas


    Forum stupendo!!

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